Indoor Positioning System simply referred to as IPS is an advanced technology feature that allows you to track your goods or products inside your home or warehouse. Just like a Global Positioning System (GPS), an Indoor Positioning system helps you keep track. The only difference is that a GPS doesn’t work indoors while Indoor Positioning System can keep a track of indoor goods as well.
With advancements in technology, navigation has evolved to a whole new level. One can keep a track of goods and products using UWB Indoor Positioning System.
Types of Indoor Positioning Systems
There are many types of Indoor Positioning Systems. Various methods use various technologies that help you track your goods. Some of the most famous and reliable systems include Wi-Fi Based Systems, Proximity Based Systems, Acoustic Systems, Infrared Systems, ULTRA Wide Band Systems, and many more.
In this blog, we will dig into the features of an Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Indoor Positioning System.
UWB and its Features
The ultra-Wide Band positioning system is one of the most widely used navigation cum tracking systems. Ultra-wideband tags are attached to the goods while a UWB reader transmits a wide-frequency pulse. The tags detect the pulse and generate a code that helps with tracking.
Features of UWB:
-Top-notch security which prevents cyber attacks
-Low energy consumption
-Highest accuracy among all Indoor Positioning Systems
-High-speed and frequent updates
Application of UWB:
-Product tracking in a warehouse
-Mobile payments
-Virtual Reality (VR)
Ultra Wide Band Indoor Positioning System is the most reliable and secure Indoor Positioning System which has been extensively used in various fields such as healthcare, business, warehouses, and much more.
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